Reminiscent of a walk in an English garden, L'Ombre Dans L'eau focuses on the classic pairing of rose and blackcurrant. Initially, this fragrance registers as a pure, green thrill, acidic and luminous without the predictable assistance of citrus. But just as we wonder at the source of it boundless vivacity, we slowly begin to detect the sweet, fruity intensity of a flower. Bulgarian rose petals drift into view, and their multi-dimensional beauty is slowly revealed. Initially bittersweet, Bulgarian rose takes on a more piquant shimmer as its petals turn in the air. When rose finally lands upon the glassy surface of a stream, the velveteen cup of an upturned petal reveals a luscious sensuality we heretofore thought improbable in such an aesthetically perfect object. But just as Bulgarian rose reaches the height of its delightful complexity, blackcurrant leaf drifts down upon it. As rose bobs just below the surface, blackcurrant leaf imparts a jammy-herbal vibe that recalls the dark, oozing intensity of blackcurrant berries with the addition of a taut, refreshing verdancy. A sap-like freshness graciously enlivens this idyllic vision, and we soon realize that the body of water petal and leaf perch atop is a magnifying glass, which amplifies their stunning chemistry. As fresh as any rose can be, without sacrificing any of its romantic potency, L'Ombre Dans L'eau is a vivid, sensual inspiration. (blackcurrant leaves, bulgarian roses)

diptyque Paris L'Ombre Dans L'Eau Eau de Toilette (3.4 fl oz) #10068723