From itchy or dry skin triggered by emotional demands to simply overexposure to winter dryness or the summer heat, our skin goes through a lot and is often the first place to show the impact of our hectic lifestyle. Give your skin life again; from head to toe, this rejuvenating Rescue Cream skin care lotion is wonderful for every use. When our skin isn’t at its best, neither are we. A multi-purpose hydrating moisturizer that the entire family can enjoy. Rescue Cream is an intensive moisturizer to help soothe and care for dry, irritated skin caused by the stress and strain of everyday life. This cream gently rehydrates your skin, expertly developed to protect as well as moisturize, it’s fragrance-free and non-greasy formula absorbs quickly while leaving your skin touchable. Made with 6 flower essences Rescue Cream is a moisturizing skin cream with an exclusive blend of Rescue flower essences, and the additional cleansing essence of Crab Apple, discovered by Dr. Bach over 85 years ago. This Rescue skin care formula was originally developed by Nora Weeks, Dr. Bach’s assistant. She combined the five traditional flower essence remedies in Rescue Remedy with the Crab Apple flower essence remedy. Help soothe and care for stressed skin.

Nelson Bach Rescue Remedy Cream (30 g) #10066229